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Bootstrap node configuration file

To start Tessera as a bootstrap node:


Tessera bootstrap nodes function the same way bootnodes do for Hyperledger Besu.

Example configuration file

"useWhiteList": "boolean",
"bootstrapNode": "boolean",
"jdbc": {
"url": "String",
"username": "String",
"password": "String"
"serverConfigs": [
"app": "ENCLAVE",
// Defines us using a remote enclave, leave out if using built-in enclave
"serverAddress": "http://localhost:9081",
//Where to find the remote enclave
"communicationType": "REST"
"app": "ThirdParty",
"serverAddress": "http://localhost:9081",
"bindingAddress": "String - url with port e.g.",
"communicationType": "REST"
"app": "Q2T",
"serverAddress": "unix:/tmp/tm.ipc",
"communicationType": "REST"
"app": "P2P",
"serverAddress": "http://localhost:9001",
"bindingAddress": "String - url with port e.g.",
"sslConfig": {
"tls": "enum STRICT,OFF",
"generateKeyStoreIfNotExisted": "boolean",
"serverKeyStore": "Path",
"serverTlsKeyPath": "Path",
"serverTlsCertificatePath": "Path",
"serverKeyStorePassword": "String",
"serverTrustStore": "Path",
"serverTrustCertificates": ["Path..."],
"serverTrustStorePassword": "String",
"serverTrustMode": "Enumeration: CA, TOFU, WHITELIST, CA_OR_TOFU, NONE",
"clientKeyStore": "Path",
"clientTlsKeyPath": "Path",
"clientTlsCertificatePath": "Path",
"clientKeyStorePassword": "String",
"clientTrustStore": "Path",
"clientTrustCertificates": ["Path..."],
"clientTrustStorePassword": "String",
"clientTrustMode": "Enumeration: CA, TOFU, WHITELIST, CA_OR_TOFU, NONE",
"knownClientsFile": "Path",
"knownServersFile": "Path"
"communicationType": "REST"
"peer": [
"url": "url e.g."
"keys": {
"passwordFile": "Path",
"keyVaultConfigs": [
"keyVaultType": "Enumeration: AZURE, HASHICORP, AWS",
"properties": "Map[string]string"
"keyData": [
"config": {
"data": {
"aopts": {
"variant": "Enum : id,d or i",
"memory": "int",
"iterations": "int",
"parallelism": "int"
"bytes": "String",
"snonce": "String",
"asalt": "String",
"sbox": "String",
"password": "String"
"type": "Enum: argon2sbox or unlocked. If unlocked is defined then config data is required. "
"privateKey": "String",
"privateKeyPath": "Path",
"azureVaultPrivateKeyId": "String",
"azureVaultPrivateKeyVersion": "String",
"publicKey": "String",
"publicKeyPath": "Path",
"azureVaultPublicKeyId": "String",
"azureVaultPublicKeyVersion": "String",
"hashicorpVaultSecretEngineName": "String",
"hashicorpVaultSecretName": "String",
"hashicorpVaultSecretVersion": "Integer (defaults to 0 (latest) if not set)",
"hashicorpVaultPrivateKeyId": "String",
"hashicorpVaultPublicKeyId": "String"
"alwaysSendTo": ["String..."],
"unixSocketFile": "Path",
"features": {
"enableRemoteKeyValidation": false
"encryptor": {
"type": "Enumeration: NACL, EC, CUSTOM",
"properties": {
"symmetricCipher": "String (defaults to AES/GCM/NoPadding if type = EC)",
"ellipticCurve": "String (defaults to secp256r1 if type = EC)",
"nonceLength": "String (defaults to 24 if type = EC)",
"sharedKeyLength": "String (defaults to 32 if type = EC)"